Foto de alex perez patino Estados Unidos

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From my early years art has been my passion. The idea to explore and captured essential moments from life involved my attention in the world of graphic arts. Since my childhood I grew up with this talent, eventually drawing become my obsession and day by day I started learning and expanding my skills in different techniques. Every Saturday I was in a group of painters at...

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Foto de alex perez patino Estados Unidos

From my early years art has been my passion. The idea to explore and captured essential moments from life involved my attention in the world of graphic arts. Since my childhood I grew up with this talent, eventually drawing become my obsession and day by day I started learning and expanding my skills in different techniques. Every Saturday I was in a group of painters at Universidad de Antioquia despite the fact that I was the only kid, they became my mentors. I was 16-years-old when I realized that art will be my vocation

As people say New York change persons, I began to change my own style and developing a new one where the combinations of expressions and abstract thoughts mixed with some vibrant colors brings out the life in my work. Inspired by the city that never sleeps colors and thoughts emerged from my mind and turned me into the person I am today and the artwork you can see on this site.

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